Active t-shirts for teenagers
Active t-shirts for teenagers, Long-sleeve T-shirts, And Sweaters
The wise designer, designer Tanya Taylor and Active T-shirts For Teenagers - the company that makes masks for health-care workers - recommends using the usual household items you already have. You will need something for the mask, such as a piece of clothing or cloth that you are okay with, and something to hold it around your face, such as hair ties, rubber bands, ribbons. , or even shoelaces, Taylor said.
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Welcome to Active T-shirts For Teenagers. Gianna Rosina, a New York– and London-based costume designer, has been putting her sewing skills to good use by making face masks at home. Rosiana uses bias tape, dog pads (for filtered padding), and cotton fabric from T-shirts and bedsheets. Using a sewing machine and Joann’s Fabrics’ instructions, Rosiana has been able to make face masks for her community, including her mom’s friends who work in health care.